Specializing in the complete Peter Kwok Kung Fu System

Ranking & Certification

Páimíng & Zhèngmíng

1st Degree Black Sash is a “Serious Student”

LevelCriteriaTime Studying/Performance Level
Elementary 8 Basic Stances
Kicking Drills
3 Star Blocking Drills
8 Way Blocking Drills
Lien Bu Chuan
9 Months
5.50 - 6.0
Basic Gung Li Chuan
Tan Toi
Chin Na Dui Da #5
1 Year
6.0 - 6.5
Intermediate Chin Na Dui Da 1, 2, & 3
20 Methods
20 Methods Drills 1 - 10
20 Methods 2 Man
Dwen Da
Hua Chuan 1
Long Shaft
3 Years
6.5 - 7.0
Advanced Chin na Dui Da #4 & #6
20 Methods Drills 11 - 20
Hua Chuan 2
Double Edge Sword
4 Years
7.0 - 7.5
Black Sash First Degree Hua Chuan 2 - 2 Man
Hua Chuan 3
5 Years
7.5 - 8.5
Black Sash Second DegreeHua Chuan 46 Years
8.5 & Higher
Black Sash Third Degree Hua Chuan 4 - 2 Man
Time teaching (250 hours supervised)
7 Years
Black Sash Fourth DegreeUmbrella8 Years
Black Sash Fifth Degree Continued time studying and additional knowledge gained
Cross train Tai Chi Weapons
9 Years
Black Sash Sixth Degree Cross train Hsing Yi Chuan
Continued time studying & additional knowledge gained
10 Years
Black Sash Seventh Degree Cross train Pa Kua Chuan
Continued time studying & additional knowledge gained
12 Years
Black Sash Eighth Degree Continued time studying and additional knowledge gained
Cross train in Qigong
15 Years
Black Sash Ninth Degree Cross train Qigong
Continued time studying & additional knowledge gained
20 Years
Black Sash Tenth Degree Cross train Tai Chi Chuan
Continued time studying & additional knowledge gained
25 Years
Grandmaster Has promoted a student to Master Level
Continued time studying and additional knowledge gained
35 Years

Ranking and Certifications issued by China Hand Kung Fu Academy has always been secondary to learning. But in todays world sometimes having goals to achieve aides in pushing you to your level of discomfort or being “outside the box.” It is at this level that you are learning the most.

Shaolin Chuan Advanced Ranks Issued

Bill Hunt4/9/08Academy
Tim Lucas3/15/08Academy
Nat Hirsch10/30/2007Academy
Brandon Underwood7/29/2001Academy
Robert Sidney-Smith7/29/2001Academy
Tim Darnell5/23/1993Academy
Rob Mulrey5/20/1993Academy

Shaolin Chuan Intermediate Ranks Issued

Janet Finnesey3/15/08Academy
Tim Lucas3/1/2007Academy
Nate Hirsch12/21/2006Academy
Chris Foster9/24/05Academy
David Koentop9/24/05Academy
Craig VanZutphen4/25/2005Academy
Corinne Catapano12/15/2004Academy
Alaan Savoy5/17/2002Academy
Khadi Madam9/30/1997Academy
Mike Fraser9/30/1997Academy

Shaolin Chuan Basic Ranks Issued

Joe Shade3/7/2011Academy
Joshua Battaglia12/29/08Academy
Ian Auerbach3/1/08Academy
Cerulean Wolter2/20/08Academy
Peter Manning1/2/2007Academy
Stephanie Wolter4/15/2007Academy
Tim Lucas12/15/05Academy
Ed Hornak12/15/05Academy
Nate Hirsch12/01/05Academy
Corey Snowden9/26/05Academy
Mark Olson4/4/05Academy
Bill Hunt2/10/05Academy
Sean Connor2/10/05Academy
Shane Press2/10/05Academy
David Koentop9/30/2003Academy
Dennis Glanfield8/5/2003Academy
Stephan Nehl6/19/2003Academy
Eric Rogers8/5/2002Academy
William Stewart8/5/2002Academy
Alaan Savoy7/25/2001Academy
Chris Scott6/18/2001Academy
Josh Pelcher6/18/2001Academy
Shilpi Halemane5/21/2001Academy
Norma Romano4/24/2001Academy
Don Strout4/5/2001Academy
David Schwartzman1/19/2001Academy
Laura Martucci12/29/2000Academy
Robert Murray6/15/2000Academy
Ray Wong6/12/1999Academy
Bob O'Hara6/12/1999Academy
Chris Furia6/12/1999Academy
Hans Beauvoir2/28/1998Academy
Brandon Underwood2/28/1998Academy
Frank Cole2/27/1998Academy
Michael Fraser3/15/1997Academy
Khadi Madama3/6/1997Academy
Christian Alelgria8/12/1996Academy
Robert Sidney-Smith7/18/1996Academy
Phyliss Schiavone9/21/1995Academy
Mike Schiavone9/21/1995Academy
Mike Marquis9/21/1995Academy
Andre Armstrong9/21/1995Academy
Gerald Powell3/6/1995Academy

Testing Policy Criteria

In an effort to guide a student through the progression of learning, we have developed Ranking & Certification criteria. This is a general guideline and can be adjusted by the Chief Instructor in order to take all of the necessary considerations when evaluating a students level.

In keeping with the spirit of ranking without making it partial, unfair, or unclear, China Hand Kung Fu Academy has adopted the following policy:

All testing is the students decision. Each student will always be required to show their ability before advancing what they are learning. This is critical for advancement in all styles.

When student feels they have met the requirements of a level they are learning, they will ask for the Instructors input and advice. This will lead to review, pre-testing, and testing.

It is the instructors responsibility to be sure a student is prepared and ready to receive rank.

The student will be expected to demonstrate their knowledge at the level being tested.

As a student progresses, it is expected the students lower level material has improved in detail, understanding and overall performance of the forms.

All students will be judged against themselves.

Testing Criteria

The following will be judged when a student is testing.

Major error will be assessed upon each occurrence of the following

Wrong Stance: Substitution of one stance for another or a Gross mis-alignment of feet.

Wrong Order: Deleting or mixing movements so that the order of movements are changed

Attitude: Overt displays of overconfidence or disrespect for weapons, horseplay, disrespect to judges, or anything else which may be judged to be a serious attitude problem.

Wrong Hand Movement: Hand movements which are invented on the spot and bear no relationship to actual movement.

Wrong Opening Remarks: Not knowing the name of the form.

If any of the following occurs repeatedly, they will be judged as a single major error rather than an accumulation.

Minor errors will be assessed for each occurrence of the following:

Detail Errors: Horizontal for vertical punch, using toes instead of heel

Slurring: Non separation of movements, movements not defined

Body Posture: Curved back, leaning in tigers, etc…

Timing: Hand and foot movements out of sync except where required.

Speed Changes: Changing tempo of form except where required

Weapon Guarding: Too much emphasis on weapon, forgetting to use correct hand formation with the weaponless hand

Exaggerated Feeling: Movements which are either exaggerated or are under emphasized, i.e., too expansive or contracted, wrong apparent feeling.

Each student is permitted to attempt any one form two times. Each attempt must begin from the opening movement of the form.

Immediate failure occurs when:

Student stops for the second time.
Student endangers the safety of others.
All judges decided to stop testing.
Student quits or refuses to do form.
All testing is based on merit. Students may advance at the discretion of the instructor based on the length of study and effort applied.

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