Shaolin Chuan – Little Forrest Boxing – Xiaolin Quan
Shaolin Chuan
Little Forrest Boxing
Below is the China Hand Kung Fu Academy Shaolin Chuan System.
Introduction ~ Shaolin
China Hand Kung Fu Academy teaches the Northern Style Shaolin Chuan.
Kung Fu, Shaolin Kung Fu, or Shaolin Chuan as it is properly called, is probably the best known Chinese martial art. Shaolin Chuan and Kung Fu are used generically to indicate any style of Chinese martial arts. Shaolin Chuan is divided up into two main branches: Northern & Southern. Northern Shaolin Chuan was orginated first, as that is where the first temple was. Then the monks from the Northern Temple went to southern China and started a temple there, hence, Southern Shaolin Chuan.
The saying goes “Northern Feet & Southern Hands.” The meaning of this is simply that the Northern Shaolin Chuan styles used more hand and foot work together and moved around more. Southern styles move less and used more hand movements. Much of this was due to several factors.
Northern terrain was much more hilly and the people from northern China were taller in size. Whereas, the south was flatter, more marsh lands and the people from southern China were much shorter in size. Because of this, the forms and type so techniques to be utilized needed to change. But Southern Kung Fu is still rooted in Northern Shaolin Chuan.
At Shao-Shih, Bodhidharma (Da Mo to the Chinese) founded the Little or Young Forrest Temple, which many know as Shaolin. In doing this he also became the first Patriarch of Ch’an (to the Japanese, Zen) Buddhism.
There are over four hundred styles of Chinese boxing, Shaolin is only one of that four hundred.
Shaolin Chuan is an external style which usually begins as an external style and after a few years progresses to a more internal orientation.
As an external style, Shaolin utilizes physical strengths and weaknesses of bone, muscle, sinews, and mind. Shaolin is the amalgamation of many styles and techniques as refined by the monks of Shaolin Monastery.
There are two major divisions of Shaolin. Northern – Bei Chuan (Northern Boxing) – which is a balance of hand and foot techniques and Southern – Nan Chuan (Southern Boxing) – a predominance of hand techniques.
Year/Period | Events/Details |
495 A.D. Era of North/South Division 16 Kingdoms period 316-589 | Original Temple built by Emperor Hsiao-Wen-Ti of the Northern Wei Dynasty. |
512-527 Sui 581-618 | Da Mo (Bodhidharma) visits Temple and eventually becomes the Temple Master. He develops a series of exercises designed to strengthen the bodies of the scholarly monks and calls it the "18 Lohan" (18 Budda Disciples). |
621 T'ang 618 - 907 | 13 Shao Lin monks aid T'ang Emperor T'ai-Tsung in suppressing a rebellion led by Wang Shih Ch'ung. |
900 5 Dynasty Era 907-960 Sung 960-1127 Southern Sung 1127-1279 Yuan Mongol 1264-1368 | Monks from Sung Shan (original Temple) establish five more Shao Lin Monasteries at; Wu Tang Shan, Chiu-Lien Shan, Hua Shan, Shantung, and Kwan Tung. |
1368-1644 Ming 1368- 1644 | During Ming Dynasty Shao Lin monks aid in suppressing raids by Japanese pirates. |
1662-1723 Ching 1644-1911 | Ching Dynasty Emperor Sheng Tau orders the destruction of Chiu-Lien Temple. |
1723-1736 | Ching Dynasty Emperor Shih Tsung orders the destruction of the Shao Shih or Sung Shan Temple. Only five monks escape. |
1928 Republic of China 1911-1949 | Shao Shih Temple catches fire and burns for forty days. Almost all of the Classical literature (the texts went back as far as 1,600 years) was destroyed. |
1930 | Last Buddhist monk ordained at Shao Lin Temple. |
1967-1977 Peoples Republic of China 1949 to Present | "Cultural" revolutionaries, the Red Guard desecrate Shao Shih and harass the few remaining monks. |
1983 | Restoration of Temple by Government, only 7 monks, 11 disciples in Shaolin. |
In order to optimize your training, it is suggested you establish a training schedule. Since not all students are sure what to do or how to do this, here are some suggestions.
It is always best to practice everyday, try your best even if it is 5 minutes.
It is better to practice more times per week than to practice less but for a longer duration. Simply the repition daily, or regularyly, is needed to retain and progress. Hence refer to rule number 1, practice daily.
The more you practice, the better you will get.

Recommended 30 – 45 Minute Training Regimen
Warm-up before you start to get deep into your workout, 5 – 10 minutes.
Practice at least two of the eight “Basic Stances,” 10 sets each stance, 5 minutes.
Practice all of the newest material you are learning every workout, 10 minutes.
Practice at least one of you basic forms three times, 5 minutes.
Practice at least one of your intermediate forms three times, 5 minutes.
Pracitce at least one of your advanced forms at least three times, 10 minutes.
Practice qigong, standing meditation for at least 5 minutes to cool down and center.
If at all possible, try to practice at least every other day.
Shaolin Chuan literally translates to Little Forrest Boxing. This term is used because the first Shaolin Temple was located in the “Little Forrest” on the side of the mountain. The term Kung Fu literally translates to, “Great achievements made through time, effort, and patience,” and is a generic term used to refer to ALL Chinese Martial Arts.
Northern Shaolin Kung Fu, or Shaolin Chuan as it is properly called, is probably the best known Chinese Martial Art. It was founded by Da Mo (Bodhidharma) 512 A.D.. There are over 400 hundred styles of Chinese Boxing, Shaolin Chuan being one of that four hundred.
Kung Fu is generally broken into two geographic regions, Northern and Southern. Northern Shaolin is where Kung Fu originated which then it migrated to the south. Northern Shaolin Chuan utilizes both hand and foot techniques through the use of balanced flowing movements to strengthen the body.
Northern Shaolin Chuan is the foundational system used to develop martial arts skills which lead to more advanced internal styles and systems.
The basic philosophy of Shaolin is Buddhist, tempered with Taoist and Confucian thought. Long before Shaolin became known for its martial arts, it was known as a place of great learning. It was renowned for its translations of Buddhist sutras from Sanskrit into Chinese.
Shaolin Masters were trained in such areas as:
Medicine & herbs
Martial arts
They were often attributed with supernatural powers. Mostly their accomplishments were brought about by superior training and intelligence.
Myths about those who were trained inside the monastery have never been proved or disproved. Such feats as: flying, walking on water, vanishing, seeing through solid objects, etc., were among the attributes of the Shaolin Monks.
Monks of the Fukien Temple were reputed to have chopped wood for their stoves with their bare hands because bladed weapons were forbidden to the monks.
90% of the success or failure in Shaolin Chuan is literally in your hands (and feet).
Stress relief, increased muscle strength, improved coordination, improved flexibility, lowering of blood pressure, improve arthritis, increase bone density, Improve your cardio vascular system, etc…
As A Health Exercise
Shaolin Chuan introduces the concept of balanced flowing movements. Much of the training is dedicated to strengthening muscles and tendons. This is accomplished by extreme movements and abrupt changes in directions (advancing/retreating, sinking/rising, etc.). This training brings about improved agility, balance, flexibility, and will benefit one’s overall health. When practiced Shaolin Chuan institutes a daily program of exercise which is cardiovascular in nature.
Self Defense
Gain the self confidence to defend yourself, your family, and your friends if necessary.
As A Martial Art
You learn form which is a consecutive series of movements linked together to FORM a pattern designed to bring about some change within the practitioner.
Shaolin Forms introduces basic martial techniques (strikes, blocks, kicks, etc.).
Shaolin Form bring coordination training.
Shaolin Forms utilizes the body’s External Energy by using techniques rather than internal energy. This is the traditional teaching method prior to learning internal arts.
Shaolin Kung Fu instills an appreciation of martial arts as a life art rather than a destructive art, by causing an awareness of body strengths, weaknesses and limitations.
Bring the Mind, Body, & Spirit together through the meditative or focus training.
As A Performance or Mind & Body Exercise
When you practice you perform for yourself. Performance is exercise for the Mind, Body, & Spirit.