Shaolin Chuan

Elementary ~ White Sash Exam


Catalog » Purchase Certification & Testing

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Certificate Issued for Elementary, Basic, Intermediate, & Advanced Levels 001 - Certification - Elementary - Advanced Levels

Price: 75.00

Elementary - Advanced Level

You can receive certification of rank and a critique of your progression for each level. Simply submit a video of your doing form for the style and level you want certification...  
Click here for more details.

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Black Sash for each Style & Level you Achieve.  002 - Certification - Black Sash 1 - 10

Price: 150.00

Certification for Black Sash.

A Black Sash means you are a serious Student. Testing for Black Sashes goes to Levels 1 - 10.

A Certificate is issued after passing your certification test.   
Click here for more details.

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Written requirements

  1. Anyone can take this exam anytime and as often as you like.
  2. Take your time and read each question. 
  3. This is an "open book" exam, so use the website or any other resource to answer the questions.
  4. You need to be logged-in to take this exam.
  5. You should be able to perform the Physical Requirements listed below.

Physical requirements

Rank Criteria Time In Study
Performance Level


Warm-ups & Stretches

8 Basic Stances

Kicking Drills

3 Star Blocks

8 Way Blocks

Lien Bu Chuan (or any 1 of the 4 Basic Shaolin forms)

1 Year

5.5  - 6.0




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